Same Day Delivery Service
A Same Day Delivery can be called into our Dispatch Center, 402-934-0000 anytime before 10:00 am and the Same Day delivery will be at the delivery point by 5:00 pm. Same Day Deliveries are offered for our Services.
A Same Day Delivery can be called into our Dispatch Center, 402-934-0000 anytime before 10:00 am and the Same Day delivery will be at the delivery point by 5:00 pm. Same Day Deliveries are offered for our Services.
We service the following metro areas daily...
- Omaha, NE
- Council Bluffs, IA
- Papillion, NE
- LaVista, NE
- Bellevue, NE
- Elkhorn, NE
Prestige Delivery Service, Inc
DISPATCH # 402-934-0000
Council bluffs, Ia 51503
DISPATCH # 402-934-0000
Council bluffs, Ia 51503